What is Your Emotional Identity?

Our emotions change throughout the day, going up and down like the stock market. And they can shift instantaneously. Imagine for a moment walking happily across the room and suddenly stubbing your toe. Your energy plummets instantly. Your perceptual lens immediately closes down, and your focus goes directly to the pain.
It’s possible to experience a wide range of emotions even in a short period. Depending on what’s happening around you and how you process the information, you can go from being happy to feeling sad, angry, fearful, etc. A person’s emotional “identity” stems from their consciousness – their internal belief system. That belief system (your belief system) is developed over a lifetime of experiences.
There are seven core emotions or “identities” on the Energetic Self Perception Chart developed by Dr. Bruce Schneider, and each is tied to a conscious belief.
- Level 1 – Apathy – Victim
- Level 2 – Anger – Conflict
- Level 3 – Forgiveness – Responsibility
- Level 4 – Compassion – Concern
- Level 5 – Peace – Reconciliation
- Level 6 – Joy – Synthesis
- Level 7 – Absolute Passion – Non-judgment
Where you reside on this chart affects every aspect of your life.
For example, if you are resonating at a level 1 frequency and feeling like a victim, you see no use in trying because you believe you will not succeed. You may think that you are not worthy of success. The action associated with this core energy is apathy. The thought is, “I’ll lose, so why bother trying?”
A person at this level remains stuck in life. You probably know someone like this. They are actively disengaged. Sadly, a person can live their entire life at this level despite the love and support of family and friends.
What is of even greater concern is that living at low energy levels causes a release of damaging hormones breakdown the immune system, and leaves you vulnerable to chronic health conditions. And it can accelerate aging. When you are resonating at higher energy levels, life is more fulfilling – good things happen, and life becomes more fun and exciting! The immune system gets a boost, and the aging process slows down.
You are not stuck. With some work, your emotional identity can be changed. It is not necessary to live life with a low level of energy. The first step is to identify your levels. What is your energy frequency – your emotional identity? An easy way to tell is to look at what you are attracting into your life. If your life is less than you hoped it could be and you’re not sure why or what to do about it, contact me to learn more and schedule your Energy Leadership Index Assessment.
Many of my clients have completely transformed their lives by learning how to identify and manage their conscious energy. Start managing your energy today!
Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.
–Unknown (attributed to Einstein)