You Been Lied To: The Surprising Truth About Sun Exposure

Sunrise Rivera Maya-Copyright Teresa Bruni

I often find myself amused, quietly concealing my smiles, as I observe my friends’ expressions of disbelief when they see me basking in the sun without sunscreen. Like so many, they’ve been lied to. Here’s what you should know: It’s important to understand how to harness the benefits of sunlight while protecting ourselves from its…

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What Happens When We Harness the Power of Collective Focus

Collective Focus

In the whirlwind of 2024 awareness months, it’s important to remember that our focus holds the power to shape our reality. But what if our attention could do more than just acknowledge problems? What if it could spark tangible change? Join me on a journey to discover how a simple shift in perspective can transform awareness…

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What Does It Mean to Be Authentic, and Why Is It Important?

Authenticity and Trust

In a world where social media often portrays polished versions of ourselves, the concept of authenticity stands out as a beacon of truth and genuine connection. But what does it truly mean to be authentic, and why is it so vital in our lives? Authenticity is about being true to oneself and embracing our unique…

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Unlock Your Inner Power With PSYCH-K

We talk with Teresa Bruni, a gifted healer and expert in PSYCH-K. Teresa has devoted her career to helping people tap into their inner power and transform their lives through the power of the mind. With many years of experience in the field, she has helped countless individuals overcome limiting beliefs, fears, and negative thought…

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And Then It Happened – a stone in my pond

A stone in the pond

For decades, I have heard spiritual gurus and manifestation experts talk about keeping your ideas to yourself until they are fully developed and well underway. But I never understood why. Then, I stumbled upon the book, Three Simple Steps by Trevor Blake. Trevor clarifies the ‘why’ in his book. He explains that every idea, dream,…

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How to Master Your Life

Master Your Life

What is a master? A master is someone who resonates with success. It’s a person whose mindset automatically attracts the right people, places, events, and opportunities, and the same mindset that allows the person to see opportunities where others see problems. A master takes on those opportunities with enthusiasm, and without fear. While each of…

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