The Power of Words: Shaping Your Life One Sentence at a Time

A few years ago, I had the privilege of being introduced to a Wordsmith. Bob Nicoll had agreed to take my call and answer some questions about a marketing program I was considering. However, the conversation quickly veered in an unexpected direction: wordsmithing. Bob shared his insights from his book, Remember the Ice, and the discussion took off. It became clear that, in addition to being a master of language, Bob also had the gift of gab. About an hour into our conversation, I felt I should have paid for the education I was receiving. Since then, I’ve never looked at words the same way.
(K)notty Words
Bob introduced me to a concept he had coined—(k)notty words. These are words that include “not,” “don’t,” “can’t,” “won’t,” “wouldn’t,” “couldn’t,” and “shouldn’t.” As a longtime student of the Law of Attraction, I was already familiar with the idea that the universe—and some would argue, the subconscious—ignores negative contractions. This means that when we say things like, “I don’t want to be sick” or “I don’t want to be broke,” the universe hears, “I want to be sick” and “I want to be broke.” It’s a subtle yet powerful nuance that can shape our reality in ways we might not even realize.
Remember the Ice
Bob told me a fascinating story to illustrate this point. He shared how he had once changed just two words on a sign at a convenience store, which led to a 500% increase in sales in just 30 days. The original sign read, “Don’t forget the ice,” and he simply changed it to “Remember the ice.” That small shift had a profound impact on sales. When you think about it, it makes perfect sense—how many of us enjoy being told what not to do? Even children can rebel when hearing the word “no” in any form. It’s a simple but powerful reframe.
This lesson stayed with me, and now, every time I hear someone say, “Don’t forget…” my mind automatically triggers a reminder to say, “Remember to…” It’s become second nature. When I began to consciously review my language and remove those (k)notty words—though it was challenging at times—I noticed a significant shift in my communication. My words became more powerful, more positive, and more intentional. I started to notice how small changes in the way I phrased things could influence my thoughts, interactions, and even the outcomes I experienced.
Words Hold Incredible Power
Bob’s lesson reminded me that the words we use hold incredible power. They shape our thoughts, emotions, and the reality we live in. By becoming more mindful of the words we choose, we can change the way we communicate with others, ourselves, and the world around us. It’s a simple yet transformative practice.
This shift goes far beyond grammar; it’s about empowerment, abundance, and transformation.
The power of words lies both in what is said and how, when, and why they are used. As we choose words with intention and care, we unlock the potential to create a ripple effect of positivity and transformation. What we speak today can change the course of our lives tomorrow.
As we continue to step into 2025, may we embrace the power of our words to shape our reality, speaking our dreams into existence one word at a time.
The following examples illustrate just how deeply words impact our lives and why choosing them wisely can make all the difference:
1. Words Create Perception
The words we choose can frame a situation in a positive or negative light. For instance, calling a challenge an “opportunity” shifts how we approach it, encouraging a mindset that seeks solutions instead of dwelling on problems.
2. Words Influence Emotions
A kind word can uplift the spirit, while a harsh one can deeply wound. Words have the power to heal or harm, inspire or discourage. The right words can help rewire the brain toward optimism.
3. Words Drive Actions
The right words at the right time can inspire powerful action. Think of the speeches that have sparked movements or the personal declarations that have motivated us to make a change. Encouraging words nurture confidence and provide the fuel needed to pursue our goals. On the other hand, criticism or pessimism can stifle action, leaving us feeling paralyzed.
4. Words Have Lasting Effects
What we say can leave an indelible mark. Compliments, insults, or even casual remarks can linger in someone’s mind long after the conversation ends, shaping how they see themselves or the world. The power of words often endures beyond the moment in which they were spoken.
5. Words Manifest Reality
Repeated language—both internal and external—has the potential to manifest belief and, ultimately, reality. When we affirm, “I am capable,” we begin to believe it. This belief shapes our actions, leading us toward the very outcomes we’ve spoken into existence. The more often we say something, the more real it becomes in our lives.
Here’s to your continued courage and the unfolding of your joyful journey!
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