Does God Heal You?

Does God Heal You

Does God Heal You? That is the question. This is not about whether God exists. For me, She does. I hope you find value in this video if you or someone you love is suffering from a chronic health condition and praying for healing. The information in this video is from personal experience both as…

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What is a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)

What is a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)

Listen in as I speak with Tammy Goen, Coach for Highly Sensitive People. We discuss how to know if you are a highly sensitive person and what will help you keep your balance in a noisy world. Do people tell you that you’re “just too sensitive” or “over-reactive”? Do you find it challenging to function…

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Retirement Rebels

George Jerjian and Teresa Bruni

George Jerjian, mindset mentor for retiring baby boomers, invited me to be featured in his Retirement Rebellion blog. I shared my views on life, laughter, and retirement. Like me, George sees the world differently. He believes that, in the afternoon of their lives, boomers deserve to live a life of purpose and passion. Click the…

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What is Life Coaching


Many consider Life Coaching a profession. For me, it is one of the many skills I possess. How does Life Coaching differ from therapy and counseling? When people ask this question, I explain that if your life seems unmanageable you may benefit from counseling or therapy. However, if your life is mostly on track but…

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The War Nobody Predicted

Living in an uncertain world

As every one of us faces a new and strangely foreign reality resulting from the coronavirus pandemic and the growing number of COVID-19 cases, one thing is certain. Our world will never be the same. As a child, I recall hearing adults speaking of and fearing a third world war. Some speculated that with weapons…

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Having Tough Conversations During Extreme Times

Having Tough Conversations During Extreme Times

There are very tough and challenging conversations happening all over the planet at this very moment. It’s my goal to assist you in lessening the difficulties in having these conversations. Some of you have children at home due to school closings. Others may live alone and have no one to count on but themselves. Some…

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Six Things Guaranteed to Zap Your Personal Power

Personal Power - Empowerment

Your personal power dictates whether you react to or respond to events and circumstances. A high level of personal power can guide you to achievement. A low level will create limitations in every aspect of your life. Your personal power is totally under your control, and it’s your responsibility to manage and maintain your power.…

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Adding Super Power to Your Prayers

Adding Super Power to Your Prayers

Have you ever wanted something so much that you prayed and prayed like a child pleading to a parent for a new toy? I know I have. Being raised as a Catholic, I was taught to pray early on in life. I attended Catholic grade school where every school day began with prayer and the…

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