Six Things Guaranteed to Zap Your Personal Power
|January 14, 2020

Your personal power dictates whether you react to or respond to events and circumstances. A high level of personal power can guide you to achievement. A low level will create limitations in every aspect of your life. Your personal power is totally under your control, and it’s your responsibility to manage and maintain your power. Here are six things that are guaranteed to zap your power.
- Stop listening to commercials – Have you actively listened to commercials lately? They are full of disaster and destruction to personal property, your health, and the world in general. Keep this negative “shouting” turned off! If you must watch TV, mute the commercials. The world is a much brighter, happier, healthier place than the media would like for you to believe.
- Gossiping – Gossiping or listening to gossip will put an immediate drain on your energy. Next time you have the urge to stand around the water cooler and participate in the gossip, pay attention to how it feels in your gut, and notice what happens to your energy.
- Judging & blaming – Judging and blaming has the same negative effect as gossiping. The difference is, that you can judge and blame all by yourself. You can even judge and blame yourself. Start making a mental note of how much judging and blaming you do, and make a conscious effort to stop it right away. Choose a positive distraction.
- Being Angry – Being in a state of anger will zap your power quicker than anything else! The minute you become angry, you lose your ability to see things clearly. You lose perspective, and you are guaranteed to make poor decisions while being angry. Everyone gets angry. Since it’s sometimes unavoidable, promise yourself that you will not make decisions until your anger is under control.
- Regrets over the past/ worrying about the future – Your personal power resides in the now – at this very moment. When we get caught up in regrets or guilt over the past or worry about the future, our personal power is gone. Remember, your power is in the NOW. It will never be in the past or future.
- Ignoring your inner voice – Every person has been blessed with instinct and intuition. Instincts help keep us safe. Instinct can make our hair stand on end and tells us to run from danger. Intuition, on the other hand, helps us to avoid dangerous situations by making us aware. It’s that “feeling” that something isn’t quite right, that inner voice that tells you to turn left when you’re lost. Learning to tap into and trust your intuition will boost your personal power.
Empowerment is a process. It can be learned. Contact me for more information or to request your Discovery Sessions.