The Hidden Cost of Judgment – And How to Break Free

The Hidden Cost of Judgment

Each month, I reflect on the insights I can share to help you live a more fulfilling life and expand your perceptual lens—the lens through which you view the world. But this time, as the days passed, nothing came. No spark. No inspiration. For years, I labeled myself a procrastinator, especially during my corporate career,…

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You Don’t Have to Think About That!

You Don't Have To Think About That!

As we head into the year-end season, it’s easy to get caught up in a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts—especially those thoughts we wish we could leave behind. One common experience I hear from clients is how easily a happy memory can transform into a negative one. For example, you might be reminiscing about a…

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What Does It Mean to Be Authentic, and Why Is It Important?

Authenticity and Trust

In a world where social media often portrays polished versions of ourselves, the concept of authenticity stands out as a beacon of truth and genuine connection. But what does it truly mean to be authentic, and why is it so vital in our lives? Authenticity is about being true to oneself and embracing our unique…

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Unlock Your Inner Power With PSYCH-K

We talk with Teresa Bruni, a gifted healer and expert in PSYCH-K. Teresa has devoted her career to helping people tap into their inner power and transform their lives through the power of the mind. With many years of experience in the field, she has helped countless individuals overcome limiting beliefs, fears, and negative thought…

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And Then It Happened – a stone in my pond

A stone in the pond

For decades, I have heard spiritual gurus and manifestation experts talk about keeping your ideas to yourself until they are fully developed and well underway. But I never understood why. Then, I stumbled upon the book, Three Simple Steps by Trevor Blake. Trevor clarifies the ‘why’ in his book. He explains that every idea, dream,…

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Let’s Talk About the ‘B’ Word

The 'B' Word

Boundaries! The #1 personality trait that most people lack is healthy boundaries. It’s always fun when I begin with a new client, and I say with a big smile, “Now we’re going to talk about the ‘B’ word.” I watch as their eyes widen, and a look of curiosity comes over their face as they…

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What Would You Do If You Could Not Fail?

What Would You Do If You Could Not Fail?

Join me as I speak with Jennie O’Connor, The Facilitator of Greatness! We will be discussing how to discover your passion and why that is important. We’ll also talk about the biggest challenges people face when pursuing their dreams. Listen in as Jennie shares with us how she became “the creative fairy godmother of mindset…

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How To Deal With Toxic Family Members

How To Deal With Toxic Family Members

If you’ve listened to me before, then you’re well aware of the fact that stress causes illness. And the holiday season can be extremely stressful, especially if you have toxic family members. I recorded this a few weeks before the 2021/2022 holiday season. The holidays can be an especially stressful time for so many people.…

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What is a Spiritual Warrior?

What is a Spiritual Warrior?

Similar to the lighthouse, a spiritual warrior will stand silently in the storm night and day, sending out a beacon of hope for those needing assistance on their journey. They believe that life’s challenges are a part of a larger plan, and every challenge is meant to build strength and character. And they know, based on their own experiences, at one point or another, we all need a safe port in the storm of life.

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